Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Rashomon for $2 at Melwood Screening Room, July 24.


As part of its occasional "Essential Cinema" series, the Pittsburgh Filmmakers' Melwood Screening Room (map) will show the 1950 Akira Kurosawa film Rashomon (įž…į”Ÿé–€) on July 24. The theater summarizes:
Considered one of the most brilliantly constructed films of all time, Rashomon has become synonymous with the subjectivity of truth. Set in medieval Japan, four witnesses give mutually contradictory accounts of a heinous crime. This masterpiece introduced Japanese cinema to the West, and was the surprise winner at 1951's Venice Film Fest, then went on to win an Oscar for Best Foreign Film.
The movie starts at 8:00, is $2, and, according to the receptionist, is in Japanese with English subtitles.

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