Winchester Thurston School recently announced its lineup for the 2
014 Asia Unreeled Film Series, and this February's installment will feature documentaries on Vietnam and Cambodia. On February 8,
As the Call, So the Echo:
Director Keir Moreano’s record of his father’s experience as a volunteer doctor in Vietnam in 2003 as a journey of a professional who has come to question the difference he makes in the lives of his patients in the U.S., and finds renewed passion in his calling spending several weeks conducting surgeries and training staff in a hard-pressed hospital in Hue.
And on February 23,
A River Changes Course:
Winner of the World Cinema Grand Jury Prize Documentary at Sundance, A River Changes Course tells the story of three families living in contemporary Cambodia as they face hard choices forced by rapid development and struggle to maintain their traditional ways of life as the modern world closes in around them.
Both films are free and open to the public, and will play at Shadyside's Winchester Thurston School (
map) at 2:00 pm.