To coincide with rallies for Taiwanese democracy around the world, Taiwanese students at Carnegie Mellon University will be demonstrating at the CMU Fence at 1:00 pm on March 30. From a press release posted by organizer Sylvia Lin on the event's Facebook page:
On March 30, the Taiwanese community in Pittsburgh will join people from 17 countries and more than 49 cities around the world and assemble at Carnegie Mellon University to condemn state violence and defend Taiwan’s democracy while supporting those protesting at the Legislature in Taiwan.Please note the event has moved from Margaret Morrison to The Fence (next to item 7 on the campus map). According to the invitation that accompanied this release on the Facebook page, attendees are asked to observe the following:
The “Occupy Parliament” student movement in Taiwan is a protest in response to the democracy crisis surrounding the controversial Cross-Strait Services Trade Agreement between Taiwan and China. Protesters have peacefully occupied the main chamber of the Legislative Yuan since March 18. Tens of thousands of people have participated in a peaceful sit-in. On March 23, some protesters occupied the executive building and riot police evicted them with brutal violence, beating unarmed students and citizens with batons and shields, after the police evicted media from the scene.
Supporters of Taiwan’s democracy will gather at Margaret Morrison A14 Lecture Hall of Carnegie Mellon University from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. to condemn the state violence against peaceful protesters in Taiwan. We demand that (1) President Ma refrain from the use of police brutality; (2) the Cross-Strait Supervisory Agreement be enacted; and (3) civil society be included in dialogue regarding further actions by the government..
Please wear in BLACK.
Please bring a sunflower or Taiwan's flag if you have one.
Please discuss and behavior in rational manner.
Please be on time (space is limited) and bring your own water.