Over the weekend the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette posted a map online, "Where Immigrants Live in the City", that shows approximately where immigrants have settled locally. The highest concentration of dark-orange dots---representing East Asians---is, predictably, in Oakland, Shadyside, and East Liberty. The P-G map also shows a high concentration in Blawnox, though the area is closer to Fox Chapel in real life. The source is the American Community Survey 2012, compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau.
An article, "Pittsburgh's economy has gained from high-skilled immigrants", accompanied the map, and looked at Pittsburgh's "new immigrants" in general and at one bicultural Asian family in particular. It covered local Asian population trends, too:
Despite our somewhat one-sided immigration, the statistics show some interesting trends.That's up from 270 Chinese in 1900.
In 1980, Asians made up about 10 percent of the Pittsburgh region's foreign-born population. By 2010, they constituted 45 percent of them.
In Allegheny County, the two biggest Asian groups, as in many other parts of the U.S., are the Indians and the Chinese. As of 2010, the county had nearly 5,600 Chinese residents, which was 14 times greater than in 1980.
In 2012, the New York Times mapped the 2010 census, and showed a similar distribution. Census Tract 4, in North Oakland around the intersection of North Craig St. and Fifth Ave., had a population comprised of 31% Asian. Asians were the second-largest group in most of Oakland, Squirrel Hill North, and Shadyside.