Two new releases from Hong Kong will show at the AMC Loews Waterfront from Friday, February 5: The Monkey King 2 (西遊記之孫悟空三打白骨精) and From Vegas to Macau 3 (賭城風雲III). ScreenDaily provides a summary of the former in a January 29 review:
Freed after 500 years beneath Five Element Mountain, Wukong is tasked by the Goddess Guanyin (Kelly Chen) with shepherding young monk Xuanzang (William Feng) on his journey west to retrieve ancient spiritual sutras that will pacify the Earth. They are joined by a pair of similarly disciplined creatures: the water-dwelling Wujing (Him Law) and the gluttonous half-man, half-pig Baije (Xiaoshenyang). When the party arrives at a wealthy Silk Road kingdom, they hear stories of a malevolent demon who has been kidnapping and eating children. The pure-spirited Xuanzang is then himself targeted by the seductive yet deadly White Bone Spirit, Baigujing (Gong Li), who feeds on the innocent to retain her own youthful beauty..The Monkey King 2 will open in Pittsburgh one day before it premieres in Hong Kong, and three days before it premiers on Mainland China
There are no reviews of From Vegas to Macau 3 available in comprehensible English, but Chinese-language Wikipedia summarizes the movie starring Chow Yun-Fat and Andy Lau:
石一堅(周潤發飾)為他的女兒彩虹(童菲飾)及徒弟阿樂(余文樂飾)在澳門酒店舉行世紀婚禮,婚禮進行期間,小馬(張家輝飾)收到好友陳刀仔(劉德華飾)的電話來電,刀仔警告小馬要提防一個神秘的軍火商人易天行(張學友飾),天行是為了幫莫愁(劉嘉玲飾)報仇,而聘請了一班僱傭兵來追殺一堅,誓要將一堅陷入死地,同時,國際刑警以私吞D.O.A.贓款罪名來到婚禮指控小馬和一堅,此時追殺一堅的僱傭兵殺到,幸得刀仔與賭神高進的堂妹高菲(李宇春飾)及龍五的兒子龍十五(向佐飾)及時來到相救;為了逃過天行的追殺,刀仔提議一堅參加澳門慈善賭王大賽,一堅殺入決賽,將對戰刀仔的師傅—賭神高進(周潤發分飾),藉此機會引蛇出洞……This movie, too, will play in the US one day before Hong Kong and three days before Mainland China. Both movies will play with English subtitles.
Tickets and showtimes are available at the AMC Loews Waterfront website. The theater is located at 300 West Waterfront Dr. in the Waterfront shopping complex in Homestead (map), across the Monongahela River from Greenfield, Squirrel Hill, and the rest of Pittsburgh.