The 2016 Korean movie Operation Chromite (인천상륙작전) will play at AMC Loews Waterfront from August 12. Hello Asia! provides a summary of the Korean War film starring Lee Jung-jae and Liam Neeson:
Operation Chromite takes off where 8 South Korean soldiers formed by US army General Douglas MacArthur (Liam Neeson) operates under the special mission to infiltrate North Korean army and secure the Incheon landing for US troops. Captain Jang Hak Soo (Lee Jung Jae) leads the 7 men into their dangerous mission to gain insights on the North Korean naval mines. Will they be able to carry out the mission successfully?Tickets and showtimes are available at the AMC Loews Waterfront website. The theater is located at 300 West Waterfront Dr. in the Waterfront shopping complex in Homestead (map), across the Monongahela River from Greenfield, Squirrel Hill, and the rest of Pittsburgh.