As we wrote last June, Terry Bradshaw, the Hall of Fame quarterback of the Pittsburgh Steelers from 1970 to 1983, will be one of the stars of "Better Late Than Never", an upcoming reality show based off South Korea's "Grandpa Over Flowers" (꽃보다 할배). The cast includes Bradshaw, William Shatner, George Foreman, Henry Winkler, and Jeff Dye. NBC summarizes:
NBC is taking five celebrated men from across genres on an epic adventure throughout Asia with its new alternative comedy series "Better Late Than Never.". . .
The one-hour series travels to Tokyo, Kyoto, Seoul, Hong Kong, Phuket and Chiang Mai before heading home. The five navigate their way through each city - communicating with the local population, immersing themselves in local traditions and enjoying exotic food - all the while dealing with the unexpected twists and turns that any trip presents.The series will premiere on August 23 at 10:00 pm on NBC.
As they check off items on their own personal bucket lists, the five rely on each other for support and encouragement and, in the process, demonstrate that friendship is the ultimate gift.