The Row House Cinema will present five Japanese animated movies as part of its Anime Film Series that runs from October 14 - 20: 1973's Belladonna of Sadness (哀しみのベラドンナ), Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (カウボーイビバップ 天国の扉), Millennium Actress (千年女優), Studio Ghibli's 1988 Grave of the Fireflies (火垂るの墓), and Paprika (パプリカ). The film share common themes beyond the country of origin and style of production, though, according to the theater's website:
Japanese animation breaks many traditional notions of what animated films "should" be in in terms of style, genre, and audience—maybe that's why we love it so much. This week we're featuring anime movies geared towards an adult audience with some heavy subject matter, including rape, war, viral terrorism, and mind control.Showtimes and ticket information is available on the theater's website. The single-screen theater is located at 4115 Butler Street in Lawrenceville (map).