On October 21, the University of Pittsburgh's Asian Studies Center will host Dr. Seung-hwan Shin and his Talking About Asia presentation, "Talking About Asia - Rediscovering the War: Post-Division Imagination in Recent Division Film".
Professor Shin focuses on changes in "bundan yeonghwa" (the division film))--movies on the Korean War and national division--in post-Cold War South Korea. His discussion centers particularly on how cinema served as a powerful channel for tal-bundan (post division) imagination at the turn of the century. He attributes the narrative and stylistic novelty of recent post-division film s to their efforts to confront or counter historical limitation, that is, the continuation of national division beyond the Cold War era. He also considers the post-division films' public appeal in association with the refugee sentiment, a key legacy of the Korean War that has been endemic in South Korean society.The talk begins at 12:00 pm in 4130 Posvar Hall (map) and is free and open to the public.