The 1999 movie The Road Home (我的父亲母亲) will play at the Maridon Museum on November 3 as the fourth installment of its Chinese Film Series.
A 2001 Washington Post review provides a plot summery of the Zhang Yimou film starring Zhang Ziyi:
As Zhao Di, an 18-year-old girl who becomes fixated, then deeply involved with her village's new teacher, the co-star of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" literally looms large in this movie. While the smitten Zhao Di studies 20-year-old teacher Luo Changyu (Zheng Hao), director Zhang Yimou focuses so frequently on Ziyi's face in extreme close-up that she sticks like a daguerreotype to your retina – and then your heart.The movie starts at 6:00 pm and is presented by Dr. Ken Harris of Slippery Rock University.
Too shy to approach him but too infatuated to stay out of sight, Zhao Di watches him from every possible vantage point: mountaintops, behind the school fence and from a seldom-used well on a hillside, which happens to be near Luo Changyu's schoolhouse. She is crazily, giddily, in love and, despite the obstacles thrown between them, she holds on to that love to the bitter end.
The Maridon, an Asian art museum, is located at 322 North McKean St. in downtown Butler (map), roughly 40 miles north of Pittsburgh.