The Institute for International Studies in Education at the University of Pittsburgh's School of Education will present “Innovative Online and EFL Education Examples from China and Colombia” as the next installment of its Fall 2016 symposium series. The three presentations by visiting scholars in the IISE are:
* “Designing MOOCs in a Chinese Social Network Environment” by IISE Visiting Scholar, Dr. Xiufang MaThe symposium runs from 12:00 to 1:30 pm in 5604 Posvar Hall (map) and is free and open to the public.
* “A Reverse Mentoring Program in Elementary Levels during the Practicum in Monteria, Colombia” by IISE Visiting Scholar, Luis Mario Viaña Patrón
* “A Study on Cultivating Pragmatic Competence of Chinese EFL Learners” by IISE Visiting Scholar, Xiaoyan Xu