The 2015 Korean movie Veteran (베테랑) will play at the University of Pittsburgh on March 17 as part of the Department of East Asian Language & Literatures' Korean Film Festival. A September 2015 New York Times review provides a summary:
Hwang Jung-min is cool and capable as the longtime detective whose investigation of a friend’s suicide attempt pits him against the conglomerate’s lawyers, thugs and paid-off policemen; he’s a quieter version of the Eddie Murphy or Mel Gibson cop who plays the fool but is good in a fight. The Korean heartthrob Yoo Ah-in plays the preening adversary, whose response to being shown up is to humiliate the nearest woman or assault the nearest pet.The movie will play from 5:00 to 8:00 pm in 4130 Posvar Hall (map) and is free and open to the public.