The Japan-America Society of Pennsylvania's Japanese-English Reading Circle will begin again with a new series of six meetings from July 1 at Kenmawr Apartments in Shadyside.
Join us for the Japanese-English Reading Circle, a first of its kind reading group!The meetings are held every other Saturday from July through September from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. The apartment complex at 401 Shady Ave. (map) has a large number of Japanese residents who work and study in the city, and often hosts cultural events for its international residents.
Mission: to promote language learning through reading and language exchange. We aim to keep positivity and motivation high while developing reading fluency, vocabulary, content discussion, and reading strategies in a fun, collaborative environment.
Meetings: will consist of icebreaker language games, discussions about book topics, questions about language, formation of reading goals, and reading strategy sharing/reflection
Who can join: Japanese learners of English or English-speaking learners of Japanese. Any proficiency level is okay, although it would help to have at least beginner level knowledge of the second language you are studying.
Cost: $5 book deposit to be reimbursed upon return of all borrowed books. Please consider donating to offset the cost of promotion and snacks.