Activ8 Recruitment & Solutions has been visiting universities located across the United States every spring and fall and arranging Career Information Sessions for students and new graduates. We welcome any who speaks Japanese and/or are those studying Japanese language and culture. We meet and talk with each student to introduce our services and provide useful job market information for Japanese-English bilingual students or those who wish to work for Japanese businesses. There is no fee for applicants from the beginning to the end.
弊社キャリアインフォメーションセッションは、卒業後アメリカで就職を真剣に希望される方、OPTを使って卒業後一年間実務経験を積みたい方、日本語を活かして仕事をしたい方、卒業間近でまだ就職準備が出来ていない方、適正が分からない方、就職のアドバイスが欲しい方、またはそれ以外どなたでも、アメリカでの就職に興味をお持ちの皆様方に、就職傾向・就労ビザ状況をはじめ履歴書の書き方や面接法など、日本との対比を交えて就職に関する相談にお答えします。年々労働ビザの申請・審査が厳しくなり、ご卒業前より就職準備が必要です。Activ8 (”アクティベイト“)は就職のエキスパートです。皆さんの就職をお手伝いします。
We recommend you to make an appointment with us in advance to avoid crowds although walk-ins are welcome. Please feel free to contact me, Tomoko Ozawa, 847-830-9244 or for an appointment and/or questions.
Tomoko Ozawa | 847-830-9244 |
Activ8 Career - Recruitment & Solutions
Renaissance Resources, Inc.
Activ8 Chicago - Corporate HDQ 1937 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago, Illinois 60613 Phone 773-248-1695
Activ8 Atlanta 1418 Dresden Dr. NE, Suite 245, Atlanta Georgia 30319 Phone 404-442-2365
Activ8 Texas 400 N. St. Paul Street, Suite 599, Dallas, Texas 75201 Phone 214-999-0133
Activ8 West – 1130 N 2nd St., Unit 105, Phoenix, Arizona 85004
Activ8 Canada Suite 728 – 602 W. Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6B 1P2 Phone 604-558-3223
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Japanese Career Information Session at the University of Pittsburgh, October 18.
Activ8 Recruitment & Solutions is holding a Japanese Career Information Session on October 18 in the Department of East Asian Languages at the University of Pittsburgh. The session runs from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm in 2712 Cathedral of Learning.
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