The Pitt Anime Club will host "Cool Japan: Animation In Japan With Charles Dunbar" tonight, April 5, at the University of Pittsburgh.
Charles Dunbar is an anthropologist. He studies a lot of things, be it fandom, anime culture, the supernatural or mysterious men in blue boxes. He received his MA in Sociocultural Anthropology in 2011, after utilizing ancient Mayan techniques to hypnotize his department into believing that he was, in fact, the reincarnation of Victor Turner. His thesis, entitled “Pilgrimage, Pageantry and Fan Communities," was published soon after, and focused on anime convention participation, including stereotyping, spending habits, cosplay and con culture.The event is sponsored by the Asian Studies Center and the Pittsburgh Japanese Culture Society. It starts at 9:00 pm in room 358 of the Cathedral of Learning (map) and is free and open to the public.