"15 yr Sister City dedication w/ Saitama Mayor Shizmu & Chairman Hagiwara in Pittsburgh Council Chambers" - @billpeduto in 2013.
The Pittsburgh Saitama Sister City Committee is holding a picnic for a visiting delegation from Saitama on July 25 at North Park.
Saitama City, Pittsburgh's sister city in Japan, will be sending a delegation including the Mayor, his staff, and city council members to renew their friendship with us this month!Registration is required and can be completed online.
Since sister cities are about people-to-people ties, please join us for an informal picnic at the Point Shelter in North Park, from 5:30 to 8:00 PM on Wednesday, July 25th to welcome them.
姉妹都市は人と人のつながりが大切ですので、7月25日水曜日の午後5時30分から午後8時までノースパークのPoint Shelterでピクニックを行います。是非ご参加ください!
The Pittsburgh Saitama Sister City Committee will provide hamburgers, chicken, cutlery, and soft drinks. Please bring a dish (approximately 20 servings) to share!
ピッツバーグ埼玉姉妹都市委員会は、ハンバーガー、チキン、ソフトドリンク等を提供致します。 他のシェアーできるおかず類(約20人分)などを持って来てください!