Twenty Two, by Guo Ke, screens on October 19.
The Allegheny County Bar Association and the University of Pittsburgh's Asian Studies Center will present a "Comfort Women: The Legacy of Sexual Slavery in Asia" conference on October 19 and 20.
As a collaborative partnership between the Allegheny County Bar Association and the Asian Studies Center, the Comfort Women: The Legacy of Sexual Slavery in Asia conference will focus on the historical and legal aspects of sexual enslavement of women by the military in the years before and during World War II. Reaching beyond the actual historical events, the conference will explore the reasons for the long silence and how performance practices—protests, tribunals, theater, and memorial building projects are used to demand justice for those who suffered the state-sponsored acts of sexual violence both in Asia and here in America. The conference provides the framework for understanding how actions designed to bring about redress can shift from the legal aspects to its cultural and social possibilities.
A schedule of the two days' events, via the Asian Studies Center:
OCTOBER 19, 2018
4:00 PM – 6:30 PM Film Screening: Twenty Two (Guo Ke, 2017)
Introduction (Dr. Seung-hwan Shin) and a Q&A session
120 David Lawrence Hall
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Opening Reception
Brief remarks by UCIS / ASC
Lobby, David Lawrence Hall
OCTOBER 20, 2018
Alcoa Room, Barco Law School
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM: Breakfast / Networking
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM History and Legacy of Comfort Women
Moderator: Dr. Seung-hwan Shin, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Peipei Qiu, Vassar College
Dr. Joshua D. Pilzer, University of Toronto
10:30 AM Coffee Break
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Legal Challenges and the Role of Diplomacy
Moderator: Dr. James Cook, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Monica Eppinger, St. Louis University
Dr. Mary McCarthy, Drake University
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Film Screening: Her Story (Min Kyu-dong, 2018)
Introduction (Dr. Seung-hwan Shin) and a Q&A session