Pittsburgh-based Chinese education and consulting company WholeRen Education (美国厚仁教育集团) has announced openings for part-time Mandarin-speaking finance tutors.
职位: 金融专业在线辅导老师
1. 为在校生提供网络辅导,根据学生现有的学习情况和辅导需求制定教学计划和内容,并实施教学;
2. 跟进学生学习情况,及时与学生、家长进行沟通;
3. 熟悉掌握专业理论,能够针对学生个体的不同需求设计出适合学生的教学方案;
1. 相关专业本科以上学历。
2. 懂Acquisition 和LBO的excel 操作。
3. 有工作许可,可支持办理CPT、OPT。
4. 中英双语优秀
The academic support department of Wholeren Education is looking for talented, experienced tutors for college level Chinese international students in the US. We help both struggling and gifted students reach their full potential by supplementing the instruction they receive in class and guiding them toward study practices and aides that can help them excel. Tutors work with individual students one-on-one, though we occasionally organize group activities for students who are studying the same material. Our team offers compassionate, motivating assistance to students, and we expect our new hires to do the same. If you have experience tutoring students, please submit an application.