The University of Pittsburgh's Asian Students Alliance presents Arden Cho on March 2.
Arden Cho is a Korean American actress, singer, youtuber and model best known for her role as Kira Yukimaru on Teen Wolf. She also has been an strong advocate for Asian American issues especially within media.The talk starts at 7:30 pm in the William Pitt Union Assembly Room (map).
Tickets will be available soon at the William Pitt Union Ticket Office; information about ticketing will be released on a later date.
You will also be able to win a chance to grab dinner with Arden Cho, if you also attend the ECAASU Campus Summit earlier that day. If you register using the link below and attend the event you will entered into a raffle and the winner will be announced at the event. Check out the event page below!
Doors will open at 7:00PM and seating is on a first come first serve basis. If you do not have a ticket but would still like to attend, you may wait on standby. If seats are not filled by 7:30pm, and a ticketed student has not arrived, their seat will be given up to those waiting in line on standby.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask a board member or message the ASA Facebook page.