GlobalPittsburgh shares news of its needs for host families from May through next January for various cohorts of visitors, including Korean English teachers, Chinese students, and Japanese students from Yasuda University.
We are looking for host families to welcome international professionals and students visiting under multiple programs from different countries.
May 17-25, Open World program. Volunteer hosts are needed for 4 Russian lawyers and their female facilitator in an Open World Leadership Center's training program entitled, "Public Defenders." The delegates to be placed are 2 women and 3 men, all between the ages of 27 and 45. There is no formal compensation for hosting visitors in this project, though each host will be given a $50 gift certificate at a food store of their choice for each visitor whom they host. We will have a van to drive the participants to meetings and back to the hosts' homes in the evenings.
We are also accepting host family applications for the following groups:
June - July (dates to be confirmed), Pittsburgh Festival Opera musicians.
July 21 - August 18, Korean teachers of English.
July 28 - August 24, Chinese students.
August 24 - January 19, Japanese female student from Yasuda University.
For hosting visitors from these groups, the hosts will be compensated. The hosts must live near the bus line and provide their guest(s) with a separate furnished bedroom. With the Korean, Japanese, and Chinese visitors, the hosts would also share their meals as part of their programs. Please let me know if you are interested in hosting or have any questions.
Please encourage your friends, neighbors, colleagues, and family members to host with GlobalPittsburgh! We are always happy to increase our pool of hosts throughout the city. Please fill in this form to initiate your host application process.