Tickets recently on sale for the 2019 Japanese movie Kingdom (キングダム), a live-action adaptation of the Japanese manga that will play in Pittsburgh from August 16 through 21.
Orphaned by war, a young boy and his friend dream of changing their fate and becoming the world’s greatest generals. And after his friend sacrifices himself to protectReleased in Japan on April 19, it's the second highest-grossing domestic movie of the year there. The movie will play locally at the AMC Loews Waterfront theater and tickets are available online. The theater is located at 300 West Waterfront Dr. in the Waterfront shopping complex in Homestead (map), across the Monongahela River from Greenfield, Squirrel Hill, and the rest of Pittsburgh.
the future emperor, the young boy’s path to greatness is set in motion.
Helping the King reclaim the throne puts the boy’s blade to the ultimate test as they go against deadly assassins, large armies, and the dangerous mountain clan.
In a country torn apart by war, only they can fight to unite the warring states!