The 2004 Zhang Yimou film House of Flying Daggers (十面埋伏) will play at Butler's Maridon Museum on November 8 as part of its Chinese Film Series. An AV Club review provides a synopsis:
Zhang Ziyi stars as a blind dancer skilled in all manner of martial arts and connected to the House Of Flying Daggers, an underground resistance group determined to right the wrongs committed by government forces in the waning days of the Tang dynasty. Two military captains plan to use Zhang to infiltrate the group: One (Andy Lau) arrests her and holds her captive long enough for the other (Takeshi Kaneshiro) to rescue her and earn her trust as she leads him to the group's headquarters.The movie starts at 6:00 pm and is paired by an introduction from Dr. Kenneth Harris of Slippery Rock University. The movie is free and open to the public, though reservations are required and can be made at 724-282-0123. The Maridon, an Asian art museum, is located at 322 North McKean St. in downtown Butler (map), roughly 40 miles north of Pittsburgh.