
Friday, February 28, 2020

Pitt sends message to its student community about racism and xenophobia against Asian students.

Kenyon Bonner, the Vice Provost and Dean of Students at the University of Pittsburgh, sent an announcement to the Pitt student population yesterday about the coronavirus's potential impact on health and well-being. The message also included a message about curbing racism and xenophobia that has been directed against Asian-American and international students at Pitt:
In addition to our physical wellness, it is important that during this time we remain committed to our communal well-being. Pitt aims to be an inclusive community in which everyone feels like they belong and are valued. Disappointedly, some members of our community have used the coronavirus as a vehicle to spew hateful rhetoric targeted at some of our international, Asian American students, and people who are perceived to have been in contact with COVID-19. This type of treatment is wrong, insensitive, harmful, and contrary to the University’s values. Although this outbreak started in China, having Chinese ancestry – or any other ancestry – does not place a person at higher risk for this illness.

As you discuss the coronavirus, please keep a few considerations in mind:

Together, we can make our campus feel inclusive for everyone by treating each other with dignity and respect and sharing accurate information with our fellow community members.