The Asian Student Alliance at the University of Pittsburgh will hold its first Advocacy Summit on Saturday, March 21.
Pitt Asian Student Alliance's mission statement is as follows: "(ASA) exists to further the development of Asian and Asian American identity and interest...We discuss identity and current social issues pertaining to Asians in the United States..." ASA is well known for being a large social organization where people who identify as Asian and Asian American can come to make friends, learn about their culture, and become civically engaged with issues pertaining to the AAPI community.
And so, with that being said, we would like to welcome you to our first ever Advocacy Summit! By attending this event, you will be exposed to many different topics and issues that the AAPI community faces and challenges daily. We hope that you will learn from the workshops and your peers, provide valuable input into the discussions we'll be having, and leave feeling empowered.
There will be five different workshops being held in two different blocks. You will be able to go to up to TWO unique workshops, and if you didn’t get to go to a workshop you wanted to go to, you can always contact the facilitators! The description of the workshops can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SNUAzKxkpRTxMBNLUfHVAAynCYb8XYENDdMhbzZqo3U/edit?usp=sharing
It runs from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in David Lawrence Hall (map). Those interested in attending should sign up here.