Tickets recently went on sale for GKIDS Studio Ghibli Fest 2020, which will bring six Studio Ghibli films to theaters around the country. This year's festival will play at the Cinemark theaters in Monroeville and the North Hills and is comprised of:
- My Neighbor Totoro (となりのトトロ) - May 10 (dubbed in English) and May 11 (with English subtitles)
- The Wind Rises (風立ちぬ) - June 14 (dubbed) and June 15 (subtitled)
- Howl's Moving Castle (ハウルの動く城) - July 12 (dubbed) and July 13 (subtitled)
- Kiki's Delivery Service (魔女の宅急便) - August 16 (dubbed) and August 17 (subtitled)
- Princess Mononoke (もののけ姫) - September 27 (dubbed) and September 28 (subtitled)
- Spirited Away (千と千尋の神隠し) - October 25 (dubbed) and October 26 (subtitled)