via @PghSakuraProject
The Pittsburgh Sakura Project estimates the peak viewing season for some of its cherry blossom trees in North Park is now through April 5. The group typically organizes a hanami viewing festival around this time each spring, and reminds people to practice safe social distancing this year. Here is what the group forecast on the 29th:
CHERRY BLOSSOM VIEWING FORECASTThe trees are collected near the boathouse in McCandless Township's North Park (map). The Pittsburgh Sakura Project was formed in 2007 and has been planting cherry blossom trees in North Park for over ten years.
With two warnings:
1. Keep your healthy social distance from others while enjoying the blossoms
2. The ground is currently very wet and muddy, so wear the right footwear, and plan to use a picnic table if you're going to eat.
The "peak" is rolling, since the various groves (types) of cherry trees reach their peaks at different times. It's already nice, and most trees will be in full blossom between next Sunday (4/5) for about one to two weeks. This may change due to weather.
1. The Okame groves are in full bloom now, Sunday, 3/29, (north of tennis courts and east of the Boathouse near the lake
1-オカメ 満開
2. Accolade cherries are now about half open (planted in many locations--see the map)
2-アーコレード 0.5分咲き
3. Yoshino and Akebono cherries expected to be fully open in 1 week to 10 days (from Sunday, April 5)
3-よしの あけぼの 1週間〜10日
4. Sargent cherries are about 1/3 open
4-サージェント 3分咲き
5. Weeping cherries: their buds are swelling nicely. We expect them to bloom beautifully from ~4/5 for another two weeks or so
5-枝垂 蕾が順調に膨らんでます。来週から後2週間-枝垂と八重の関山 の開花が期待出来ます。
6. Kwanzan cherries: these late blossoms are expected around the same time as the weeping cherries.
7. Not mentioned here: Autumnalis, having a delicate bloom, near Harmony Shelter, north of the GoApe! Cabin and on the slope. These also bloom in late fall.
8. Pink flair (around the little playground, south of Latrobe Shelter) are relatively tall trees and tend to bloom on the later side.
9. Snow Goose: white blossoms, often have blossoms and leaves at the same time. Pretty, but not the traditional "sakura" look.