Pittsburgh-based Chinese education consulting and placement firm WholeRen Education (美国厚仁教育集团) has announced an opening for a bilingual Mandarin-English Education Sales Consultant (留学销售顾问).
- 负责留学产品的市场渠道开拓与销售工作,执行并完成销售计划。
- 与客户保持良好沟通,实时把握客户需求,为客户提供全面的美国院校信息,配合销售专家进行咨询与签约。
- 参加公司召开的业务培训及例会。
- 具备较强的市场敏锐观察力和执行能力,具备良好的沟通能力和团队合作意识;
- 热爱销售行业和教育领域,具有高度服务意识,不怕吃苦,抗压能力强;
- 有销售经验或学校资源和市场渠道者优先考虑;
- 中英文双语表达能力和学习能力强;
- 拥有合法在美工作身份,公司可办理CPT, OPT。
Job Description
- To generate leads and reach sales goals
- To identify and meet customer needs by offering comprehensive education information
- To participate sales event
Job Requirements
- Enthusiasm in sales and education
- Knowledge in American and Chinese education and needs of Chinese students
- Experience in sales or education(preferred)
- Good communication skill
- Bilingual in both Chinese and English
- Authorized to work in the US