The Asian Pacific American Labor Association Pittsburgh branchhas opened applications for a COVID-19 cash assistance program for those unable to receive stimulus funds earlier in the year. Application information is available in English and Chinese.
Are you in financial stress because of COVID? Were you ineligible to receive the federal stimulus money? APALA Pittsburgh is taking applications for COVID-19 cash relief! Anyone in Southwestern PA who did not qualify for a federal COVID-19 Economic Impact Payment earlier this year is eligible to apply.. . .
Apply online: http://bit.ly/3ib891K
The application form is currently available in English and Simplified Chinese. We may be adding Vietnamese and Korea. Let us know if you need other language support.
If you have any questions, please DM us, text or leave a voicemail at 412-532-8517, or email apalapgh@gmail.com.
你是否因为新冠病毒而有经济困难? 你是否无法领取联邦政府的纾困金? 亚太裔美国劳工联盟匹兹堡分部 (APALA Pittsburgh) 现在接受申请新冠病毒现金援助,居住于西南宾州并且不具资格领取联邦政府新冠疫情COVID-19经济刺激纾困金的人都可以申请。
在线申请: http://bit.ly/3ib891K
如有任何问题或需要协助填写表格,请發短信或留言至 412-532-8517 或来信 apalapgh@gmail.com