The University of Pittsburgh's Asian Studies Center will present the 2004 Japanese film 2004's Nobody Knows (誰も知らない) on October 14, the second of a three-part series of Hirokazu Koreeda films. A brief introduction, from a 2005 Roger Ebert review:
As "Nobody Knows" opens, we watch a mother and two kids moving into a new apartment. They wrestle some heavy suitcases up the stairs. When the movers have left, they open the suitcases and release two younger children, who are a secret from the landlord. "Remember the new rules," the mother says. "No going outside. Not even on the veranda -- except for Kyoko, to do the laundry."The film will be presented with comments from Dr. Charles Exley of Pitt's Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures. Registration for the free 7:00 pm event is required.