The University of Pittsburgh's Asian Studies Center will present Dr. Joshua Neves and his talk "Videation: Scattered Speculations on Asian Video" on February 10. The title of the talk is the title of his chapter in Asian Video Cultures, pictured above. An overview of the talk from the Asian Studies Center newsletter:
Please join us on 2/10 @ 6:30 pm for the keynote lecture of the 2021 Asia Pop series with Dr. Joshua Neves of Concordia University. His talk pursues a series of speculations about Asian video cultures since the 1990s along three main lines of inquiry. First, it situates recent attention to internet and mobile video practices within a longer history. Second, the presentation reflects on key insights drawn from his research into the cultural and geopolitics of video technologies. Finally he turns to contemporary video forms and practices on the internet and social media tracing a range of issues about short video aesthetics, popular politics, platformization, and global tensions.The talk was postponed from its originally-scheduled January 27 date. The talk begins at 6:30 pm, online, and registration is required.