The University of Pittsburgh Asian Studies Center will host a panel discussion with several Pitt faculty members to conclude its "2021 Asia Pop: Era of Videos" series on April 14.
Although video culture can be traced to earlier periods, its surge in the digital age marks the arrival of a new era in which anywhere can be a performance stage, and anybody can become a social celebrity. The blurring boundaries between public and private, between stars and fans, and between national and transnational; the paradoxical relations between freedom and surveillance, between connection and isolation, and between actual and virtual, together challenge our perceptions about intimacy, affect, and identity. This roundtable discussion will address some of the issues reflected in the video culture in East Asia, The panelists will share their experiences and expertise in Asian pop culture, hoping to open up more directions and perspectives to look at contemporary East Asia and beyond.The online event starts at 6:30 pm and registration is required.