APALA Pittsburgh presents a two-part Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Cook-Along with local AAPI chefs, online on May 27 and June 5.
We will have one cookalong on May 27 at 6pm Eastern Time where Itha Cao from The Hungry Cao will share her dumpling recipe, and another cookalong on June 5th at 6pm Eastern Time where Teodora Schipper from the Filipino American Association of Pittsburgh will show us how to make chicken afritada.Registration is required and the events are free, though donations are encouraged.
All ticket sale and proceeds from the event will go to APALA Pittsburgh's COVID cash assistance fund that will support Asian, Asian American or Pacific Islander workers who experience hardship and are excluded from federal relief programs.
Last year APALA Pittsburgh distributed $65,400 in cash assistance to more than 70 families. We provided relief for restaurant workers who were laid off of faced heavily reduced hours but were unable to file for unemployment or receive stimulus checks. We provided relief for graduate student workers who continued to prep for classes and teach undergraduate students but lost part of their income.