The University of Pittsburgh will present "Speaking Up and Out: A Poetry Reading with Sally Wen Mao" on May 19 as part of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.
As part of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, join the Asian Studies Center and the Global Hub for "Speaking Up and Out: A Poetry Reading with Sally Wen Mao."It runs from 7:00 to 8:00 pm and registration is required.
Sally Wen Mao is the author of two collections of poetry, Oculus (Graywolf Press, 2019), a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and Mad Honey Symposium (Alice James Books, 2014). The recipient of a Pushcart Prize and an NEA fellowship, she was recently a Cullman Fellow at the New York Public Library, a Jenny McKean Moore Writer-in-Washington at the George Washington University, and a Lannan Foundation Resident in Marfa, Texas. She has taught poetry at Cornell University, The George Washington University, Hunter College, Sarah Lawrence College MFA program, Catapult, Poet's House, and the 92 Street Y, among other places. Her poetry and prose have appeared in The Best American Poetry, The Paris Review, Poetry, Harpers Bazaar, The Kenyon Review, The Georgia Review, Guernica, and A Public Space, among others. She is a Kundiman fellow in both fiction and poetry, and most recently, she was a Shearing Fellow at the Black Mountain Institute. You can learn more about Sally's work at https://www.sallywenmao.com/.
Sally will read some of her work before a Q&A session. Audience participation is encouraged.