The State of Pennsylvania is seeing Requests for Proposals until February 4, 2022 for a PA Japan Investment Representative position.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) seeks an experienced consultant or consultancy to serve as an authorized representative, to be based in and focused on Japan. The consultant will be expected to contribute to the growth and strength of the Commonwealth’s economy through the attraction of foreign direct investment to Pennsylvania and the creation of quality jobs, thus increasing the opportunities for economic prosperity for all Pennsylvanians.Those interested should forward a cover letter and resume to Mr. Thomas J. Schmidt, Global Partnerships and Operations, thoschmidt at pa.gov.
The Consultant, in joint effort with DCED’s Office of International Business Development (OIBD), will be responsible for development of programs to attract investors to Pennsylvania. The consultant will have extensive contacts with the region’s government officials, industry associations, business communities, the U.S. Foreign Commercial Service (U.S. Department of Commerce), chambers of commerce, and other organizations (private and public) that will further the Commonwealth’s investment goals and objectives of the region.
The consultant will support Pennsylvania’s international business development missions and exhibitions held in the region, and represent Pennsylvania at targeted trade shows and events to attract business opportunities to Pennsylvania. The consultant will be expected to travel to Pennsylvania every other year for a 10-day investment training of Pennsylvania.
The consultant will be knowledgeable of target industries for Pennsylvania and position Pennsylvania to take advantage of opportunities in the region. Activities will be planned to engage companies in the region at investment seminars, events, missions, and individual meetings. Relationships with Pennsylvania-based corporations with a presence in the region will also be developed and enhanced for the purpose of promoting Pennsylvania at events and meetings.
The consultant should permanently reside in Japan, speak and write fluently in English, and contribute a sufficient amount of his / her time to investment promotion activities as required by DCED OIBD to meet established objectives. The consultant will also conduct the accounting and reporting functions to satisfy the requirement of the contract and will always be available for Commonwealth business. This contract This contract will be executed 1 July 2022. The contract will be subject to annual review and renewal of established goals.