Via Yasuda Women's University.
Two groups are recruiting homestay hosts for visiting Yasuda Women's University students who will be here from May to September studying at Pitt's English Language Institute.
GlobalPittsburgh is actively recruiting host families to welcome female Japanese students ages 19-21 participating in the University of Pittsburgh English Language Institute's intensive English program from May 9 - Sept. 13, 2022.
Host families would need to be located on a bus line, preferably, direct to Oakland, and be willing to include the student(s) in their family meals. Families can host one or more students if they are provided with separate bedrooms. Compensation for hosting is $780/month per student.
If you are interested in hosting one or more students or if you have any questions, please reach out to Nadya Kessler at 412-282-3815 or nkessler@globalpittsburgh.org.
Please help us spread the word about hosting among your friends, family, and networks by sharing my contact information and/or forwarding this message.
OvECS Ltd.
Interested in opening your home to Japanese exchange students attending Pitt? Host families have been enjoying AMAZING experiences year after year. Another group arrives in May and another in September and more host families are needed. You will be financially compensated AND you will likely make a new friend for life! Contact Elana at 724-630-8176 or pahomestay@hotmail.com to learn more about this rewarding experience.