Pittsburgh's first ever city-wide Kpop Random Play Dance event will take place on Sunday, September 25 in Oakland's Schenley Plaza.
Join us for an hour of dancing and fun as we celebrate the end of summer with PGH's first city-wide KPOP Random Play Dance Event [KPOP in Public].It runs from 1:00 to 2:00 pm in Schenley Plaza (map).
Free and open to everyone.
Co-hosted by Yanlai Dance Academy, FRESA at Pitt, CMU KPDC, and KPOPittsburgh (facebook.com/groups/kpopittsburgh/).
Special thanks to the Pittsburgh Park Conservancy for the use of their space.
Rules for playing:
1. When not dancing please wait at the sides of the dancing area.
2. When the music comes on for a kpop song that you know the dance to, jump out into the middle and show off your moves!
3. If you don't know the dance, cheer on others who do!
4. Don't forget to have fun and and be respectful of those in the kpop community here in Pittsburgh!