Carnegie Mellon University will host an Asian-made short film festival on November 9. Films include:
FIRST TIMERS by Jee Hoon SeoThe evening also includes a keynote address by filmmaker and Pittsburgh native Milky Tran, and the first 50 people to arrive get free Boba. It will be held at cConomy Auditorium, Jared L. Cohon University Center (map). Registration can be made online. Presented in collaboration with CMU International Film Festival, aKDPhi, Project Smile, Screenshot Asia, UPitt Asian Studies Center, and Big Straw Magazine.
An advanced surfer encounters a beginner surfer struggling on his first session and is reminded of his own beginnings.
DE CLOSIN NIGHT by Shicong Zhu & Ella Rouwen Chen
A Chinese theater student tries to get rid of her accent in order to land a college performance. But as she tries harder, the line between the skill set. and her self-identity gets blurred.
WALINONG SARI by Eugene Foo & Honey Ahmad
A warrior princess of Inderapura has to choose between a kingdom that comes with a strategic marriage or, to follow her heart for a life of adventure with a man who truly understands her.
OINK by Milky Tran
A story about unconditional admiration and how mothers can unconsciously pass on their own unhealthy habits and insecurities to their daughters.