The Row House Cinema has announced the films that will comprise the 2023 Pittsburgh Japanese Film Festival, which will run from March 17 through 30. The 15 films, and their categories, are:
One Night ScreeningsElectric Dragon 80000 Volts (エレクトリック·ドラゴン )Destroy All Monsters (怪獣総進撃)Godzilla Vs Destoroyah (ゴジラVSデストロイア)Gamera Vs Guiron (ガメラ対大悪獣ギロン)Kaiju FilmsGodzilla (ゴジラ)Mothra (モスラ)Shin Godzilla (シン・ゴジラ)Everything ElsePompo the Cinephile (映画大好きポンポさん)Goodbye, Don Glees! (グッバイ、ドン・グリーズ)Woman in the Dunes (砂の女)Rashomon (羅生門)
Movie information and tickets are available on the festival's website. The single-screen theater is located at 4115 Butler Street in Lawrenceville (map).