The 2022 film Return to Seoul will play in Pittsburgh for an additional six days, from March 24 through 29, following its March 23 screening as part of this year's Carnegie Mellon International Film Festival. A quick synopsis:
Set over an eight-year time span, Return to Seoul follows Freddie’s journey back to her place of birth — a country to which she has never been and of which she does not know the language. Freddie, played by first-time actor Park Ji-Min, has never felt at home or comfortable in any setting, which may be why she ventures back to Seoul. Over the course of the eight years, Seoul, the city, and Freddie, its citizen, evolve with each new encounter. A story driven through change, Return to Seoul invites audiences to look closely at the experience of adoption, integration, and what it means to be “from” somewhere.It will play at the Harris Theater in downtown's Cultural District (map) and tickets are available online.