Hello Taiwan presents A Taste of Taiwan, August 13 in Pittsburgh.
Join us at the highly anticipated "A Taste of Taiwan" event and embark on a gastronomic adventure that will transport you to the vibrant streets of Taiwan. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Taiwanese culture as you sample a tantalizing array of authentic dishes meticulously prepared by talented chefs. From the first bite, you'll be captivated by the bold flavors and exotic ingredients that define Taiwanese cuisine. Experience traditional music, dance, and captivating performances that will ignite your senses and transport you to the heart of Taiwan. Don't miss the opportunity to learn the secrets of Taiwanese culinary mastery through live cooking demonstrations led by renowned chefs. Engage in hands-on workshops, delve into the history and traditions of Taiwanese gastronomy, and discover the unique ingredients that make it truly special. With raffle prizes and a captivating atmosphere, "A Taste of Taiwan" is an event you can't afford to miss. Mark your calendars and join us for an unforgettable celebration of Taiwan's culinary wonders.
主廚簡介: 溫國智,人稱"台菜小天王"和"麻辣教父",出身於台灣花蓮縣台灣知名廚師, 大學教師, 節目特約廚師,國際烹飪競賽選手2013年獲得51屆台灣十大傑出青年師承水蛙師 ,堅持尊重食材,善待食材,珍惜食材,堅持不用未經人工甘味劑等物質 國宴饗宴套票 $100, 包含1) 11點提早入場券2) 主廚現場教學示範3) 主廚套餐個人化料理品嚐4) 台灣特色紀念品。早鳥優惠票$25 /一般入場卷 $35,包含1) 台灣美食2) 文化表演3) 手作體驗4) 抽獎卷早鳥優惠票即將在7/31號截止,欲購從速!!已經買了早鳥優惠票的朋友,也歡迎來信加價升級國宴饗宴套票!!! 更多活動細節,近期即將公開!
Tickets are now available online: $100 for the Presidential Package, $25 for General Admission through July 31 (and $35 from August 1), and $12 for kids 6 - 12. It will be held at the Manchester Academic Charter School in Manchester on the North Side (map).