The 1992 Chinese film The Story of Qiu Ju (秋菊打官司) will play at Northland Public Library on January 17 as this month's installment of Movie Matinee.
The story of a stoic peasant woman who demands an apology when her husband is humiliated by the village chief. The Chief is also a headstrong man who refuses to apologize, sending Qiu Ju on a futile trek through the complicated Chinese judicial system. In the west an assault on your honor may not be a big deal, but in the Chinese culture, it is. Though serious in nature, the movie is very comedic in parts. Winner of many awards, this movie is directed by one of the worlds leading directors, Zhang Yimou.The movie will play at Northland from 1:30 pm, and the library is located off of McKnight Road and Rt. 19 in McCandless Township (map). It is free and open to the public.
After her husband is publicly kicked in the groin, Qui Ju demands an apology from the Chief Magistrate. When she doesn't get it, she goes up the Chinese judicial system only to battle more bureaucracy and indifference at every stage.
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