The Pittsburgh Taiwanese association will present 816 《BIG》 Movie Screening + Director's Talk 電影放映會+魏德聖導演座談會 on March 31 at Carnegie Mellon University.
Join Pittsburgh Taiwanese Association for this special film screening, featuring an in-person Q&A with Director Wei Te-Sheng!Doors open at 9:00 and the movie starts at 9:30 am in the McConomy Auditorium in the Jared L. Cohon University Center. Tickets are available online.
About 816 《BIG》:
A heart-healing story in a hospital ward, sharing joy, tears, and hope.
2023 | Taiwan | 159 mins | English Subtitles
Welcome to Ward 816, a place filled with incredible children who are true warriors. The scars of them are badges symbolizing their strength in fighting various life-threatening diseases. In Ward 816, you'll witness the battles between Jesus and the King of Hades, thrilling wheelchair races, and mischievous children sticking out their tongues before snuggling up for a goodnight sleep. It's a place where joy and sorrow intertwine, and every moment is treasured, especially the chance to bid a proper farewell.
But something mysterious is happening - the sign on the door now reads "BIG." What does it mean? Why are the wards' occupants planning a secret mission and even attempting an escape from the hospital? The secret code is "The Birth of Jesus," representing Christmas, new life, and rebirth. "BIG" is a heartwarming drama revolving children that will make you laugh, cry and leave the theater feeling inspired to face the world with renewed enthusiasm.
About the director and screenwriter:
Renowned filmmaker Wei Te-Sheng made waves in 2008 with is directorial film " Cape No. 7," breaking box office records in Taiwan with an astounding $530 million (NTD) in ticket sales. This heartfelt film became an instant sensation, etching its place as the highest-grossing film in Taiwanese film history. Wei's exceptional talent and contribution to the industry were duly recognized at the 45th Golder Horse Awards, where he was honored as an outstanding filmmaker of Taiwan.
In 2011, Wei Te-Sheng's creative prowess continued to shine with the completion of "Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale." This epic film, based on the historic "Wushe Incident" in Taiwan, captivated audiences and received international acclaim. Selected for the official competitions at the 68th Venice Film Festival, it merged victorious, earning the coveted Best Film Award at the 48th Golden Horse Awards.
Unleashing his creative energy once more, Wei embarked on the ambitious project for the " Taiwan Trilogy," a series of animated films set during the 17th century Dutch rule in Taiwan. Through these captivating tales, Wei masterfully weaves history, imagination, and emotion, capturing the essence of Taiwanese heritage. Simultaneously, his latest venture, "BIG," delves into the poignant world of a children's cancer ward, offering a heartrending film that touches the soul.
Event Presented by Pittsburgh Taiwanese Association
Co-presented by Café Philo at Pittsburgh and the Taiwanese Scholar Society in Pittsburgh
This program is supported by the North America Taiwanese Film Tour Festival, STARLUX and Tang and Gau Global Foundation.
816 《BIG》 - 影片簡介:
監製:徐國倫 | 導演:魏德聖 | 編劇:魏德聖 | 發行:希望影視行銷
2023 | Taiwan | 159 mins
816 病房的小孩身上都劃上了勇士的印記,這是跟病魔纏鬥的徽章。
這裡有耶穌 V.S. 地藏王、有輪椅尬車大會,有小孩說要喇舌一起睡!?
苦樂共享的 816 病房,把握每個當下,珍惜好好說再見的機會。
到底是誰把門上的 816 塗改成 BIG? BIG 代表什麼?
《BIG》故事回到多年前,我在一次的電視紀錄片訪談中遇見了一個小女孩,她因為骨癌一腳截肢,手指頭也少了幾根,每天就比著 ROCKER 的手勢跳來跳去,卻令人意外的樂觀愛笑,這給我很大的震撼及啟發:如果有一群小朋友,男生、女生,有單純小小的戀愛、友情、有離別、有重逢,但背景是在兒童癌症病房裡,那這些平凡都會變得很不一樣,充滿了故事和情感。
魏德聖 2008 年執導長片《海角七號》一鳴驚人,在台灣創下 5.3 億票房紀錄,成為台灣影史票房第一名,並獲頒第 45 屆金馬獎臺灣傑出電影工作者。 2011 年完成講述台灣歷史「霧社事件」的《賽德克.巴萊》,入圍第 68 屆威尼斯影展正式競賽片,亦獲得第 48 屆金馬獎最佳影片,並於 2012 年代表台灣角逐第 84 屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳外語片獎項,最終進入九強名單。由他監製的紀錄片《餘生—賽德克.巴萊》也入圍第 50 屆金馬獎最佳紀錄片。
2014 年監製作品《KANO》再度入圍金馬獎最佳影片,2017 年推出執導的音樂喜劇《52 Hz I Love You》。隨後他投入籌拍以 17 世紀荷蘭人統治臺灣 38 年期間為背景的《臺灣三部曲》系列動畫電影。他的創作不僅來自於對台灣歷史事件的關注,也從生活周遭擷取靈感。另有著作《小導演失業日記──黃金魚將撒母耳》(2002)。