The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh will host University of Pittsburgh’s Asian Studies Center presents Daughter of the Dragon: Anna May Wong’s Rendezvous with American History Book Discussion on May 2 and 15 at the Oakland and Squirrel Hill branches, respecdtively.
Join The Asian Studies Center team from the University of Pittsburgh for a discussion of Yunte Huang’s biography Daughter of the Dragon about Anna May Wong and her struggles for stardom in Hollywood and her fight against the Asian American stereotypes. [. . .] Recommended for adults. Contact the location to get free giveaway copies of the biography while copies last.This is a public version of the Pitt-only book club running through the Asian Studies Center this spring. The May 2 event runs from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at the CLP Main Branch in Oakland, the May 15 event runs 6:00 to 7:00 pm in the CLP Squirrel Hill.