Guess what??? bad news… Our refrigeration line exploded!!!but thankfully, it happened outside and no one was hurt. We'll have to redo the entire process, meaning no cooler/frozen items can be added, and the food court will remain closed...also more bad news… someone took down the new cherry blossom tree we just planted!! (What did our baby tree ever done to deserve this ? They are so small and just started to meet this world…
Despite this and that, some good news!! we're still excited to announce our soft opening this Saturday at our new, bigger, and better location! It is not what we are hoping for, not 100% ready, but we still are excited to just be able to open the door and see you guys! lots of items to buy and check out! So comeeeeeee~~~We are hoping to have our grand opening next month, complete with lion dance and an opening ceremony! Woo! Thank you!! See you guys!
New location:2767 liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh , Pa 15222Date:Saturday, June 15, 2024
The new location has been beset by challenges since plans were first announced back in October 2022, troubles that delays and theft of equipment and appliances. The new location remains one of the most anticipated openings due to its expanded footprint and its food court, as it will the first large Asian grocery in the Pittsburgh area to incorporate one.