Signage has gone up on the door of KBox, the area's first Asian karoke spot, announcing its permanent closure. Ownership posted
on social media on May 3 that it would close soon after
plans to redevelop the S. Craig St. spot had moved forward.

KBox opened September 16, 2012 in Oakland, hoping to appeal to the Asian students and KTV enthusiasts at Pitt and Carnegie Mellon. It was the first dedicated Asian singing room business in the area, where previously the only option was to rent a private room in a restaurant. The buliding was long in disrepair, though, and not only did it always appear closed from the outside, but the developer stated during the June Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting that it had been vacant for several years; that is not quite true, but the state of the landscaping, steps, windows, and exteriors would give that impression. As
PennsylvAsia detailed in a June 2024 post, the site has been the topic of redevelopment plans for nearly as long as KBox was open: first as the home of a new, larger Pink Box Bakery; then, as the site of a five-story apartment building; finally, as the future home of a two-story restaurant once demolition and reconstruction is complete.