The Asian Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh will host a Korea-United States Journalists Exchange on Friday, September 20.
The Korea-United States Journalists Exchange, launched by the East-West Center in 2005, is co-sponsored by the East-West Center, Korea Press Foundation, and Pacific Century Institute to increase public understanding of the two countries and their relationship.It runs from 2:15 to 3:30 pm in 4217 Posvar Hall (map) and registration is required.
The bilingual program offers opportunities for six to eight Korean journalists to visit the United States and for six to eight United States journalists to visit Korea. Following these study tours, all Korean and American participants meet at the East-West Center in Honolulu to share their experiences and new perspectives and to exchange opinions on how media coverage of each country can be improved.
A total of 209 journalists, including North Korean defector media, have participated in this program, and Americans have traveled inside North Korea on two different programs.