Vietnamese-American singer-songwriter Keshi will perform in Pittsburgh on July 23, 2025. A BuzzFeed interview this fall he touches upon his sound the directions it's taken, and the way it's been categorized:
My music has taken a lot of shapes ever since I started. I started in Lo-Fi, and then I started writing lyrics to my music that was kind of emo — very emotionally driven and bittersweet — because that's the kind of emotion that I like to write about and tap into. And then it was just "Oh yeah, this music's for the sad boys." Then, I was like, okay, well, let me make some songs where I'm a little bit more confident, that harkens back to R&B and feeling sexy. So then I came out with "Beside You" and then "Somebody" on Gabriel, and then suddenly public perception shifted to a fuckboy narrative. And I was super confused by that.

The concert will be at Stage AE on the North Shore, and tickets will go on sale November 22.