The Carnegie Museum of Art will host "Spiral Symphony: A Chorus of Transformation and Renewal: The 28th Greater Pittsburgh Lunar New Year Fair and Show" on January 26.
Inspired by the Year of the Snake, the 28th Greater Pittsburgh Lunar New Year Celebration heralds the new year with a resplendent celebration of change and rebirth. Presented by the CASTP Organization, with support from Carnegie Museum of Art, this multicultural festival harmonizes ancient Lunar New Year traditions with global customs. Guests will embark on a mesmerizing journey through spiraling rhythms and evolving melodies, where the snake’s wisdom and symbolism come alive in spectacular performances and hands-on activities. This immersive experience invites attendees to shed the old and embrace the new, fostering a joyous chorus of global unity and growth as we step into the promising dawn of a new year.
The fair will be from 11 a.m.–2:30 p.m. and the concert will begin at 2:30 p.m.
🐍 第28届匹兹堡大区春节庆典 🎉
随着蛇年的脚步渐近,我们迎来了第28届匹兹堡大区春节庆典——“蛇年颂歌:蜕变与新生的交响”. 这场由CASTP组织精心策划, 卡内基艺术博物馆联合呈现的盛会,将以一场璀璨夺目的庆典, 庆祝变革与新生的到来. 在这里, 古老的春节习俗与世界各地的现代风尚交织,共同绘制出一幅充满生机与希望的多彩画卷.
🌟 传统与现代的交融 🌟 传统舞蹈与全球各地的现代编舞巧妙融合,马戏表演则以蛇的灵动与优雅为灵感,为观众带来一场视觉盛宴. 汉服, 这一承载着人与自然和谐共生理念的中国文化瑰宝,将在时装秀中大放异彩, 同时, 也将展示以蛇为主题的多元文化创新设计.
🎵 音乐的融合 🎵 创新的音乐编排将中国传统乐器的悠扬旋律与现代音乐元素相结合,营造出一种跨越时空的音乐体验, 引领我们从过去走向未来.
🌈 沉浸式体验 🌈 这场沉浸式体验邀请每一位参与者一同放下过去,迎接新生,共同唱响全球团结与成长的欢乐颂歌,迈向新年充满希望的曙光.
📅 时间:2025年1月26日, 星期日, 上午11点至下午4点(庙会: 11a.m.–2:30 p.m.; 晚会: 2:30–4 p.m.)
地点: 卡内基艺术博物馆,音乐厅及门厅
🎟 票务信息:
- 早鸟价:非会员:20美元 (CASTP或CMOA会员: 10 美元)
- 正常价:非会员:25美元 (CASTP或CMOA会员: 15 美元)
- 3岁及以下儿童免费
🐉 蛇年新气象,共庆新春佳节 🎊