Thursday, October 4, 2018

Vietnamese coffee with Art Labor, a Ho Chi Minh City-based artist collective, October 13 at CMOA.

Hammock Café in Seoul, via

As part of the opening celebration for the 2018 Carnegie International on October 13, the Carnegie Museum of Art will host Vietnamese coffee with Art Labor, a participant in this year's exhibition.
Art Labor is an artist collective based in Ho Chi Minh City, who work in between visual arts, social and life sciences in various public contexts and locales. We do not produce single artwork but develop many-year-long journey during which one inspiration is a seed to cultivate. The seed grows – the inspiration expands and bears into rhizome of projects and artworks.
The artists introduce their Hammock Café installation:
Jrai Dew hammock café is part of Art Labor’s long-term project ‘Jrai Dew’, which projects critically the cost of capitalized world through mythic narratives. It takes inspiration from Jarai belief in the human and the cosmos. In their philosophy, being human is a part of the metamorphosis cycle of the nature. After death, the journey going back to their origin ends at becoming dew (ia ngôm in Jrai language) evaporating to the environment – the state of non-being – the beginning particles of new existence. In this metaphorical context, forestland with its people is the vanishing dew, while new existence of modernization and industrialization arise. By using products and symbols that either belong to the Central Highlands of Vietnam or related to the violent changes in history, Jrai Dew leads to a scene of human chaos however in a poetic and dreamy way.
The event is held in the Heinz Gallery C from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and is open to those who purchased museum admission. The museum is located at 4400 Forbes Ave. in Oakland (map), accessible by buses 28X, 58, 61A, 61B, 61C, 61D, 67, 69, 71B, 71D, 75, and P3.

2018 Korean Music Festival, November 3.

The Korean Association of Greater Pittsburgh and the Korean Heritage Room will present the 2018 Korean Music Festival on Saturday, November 3. It will start at 7:00 pm at Frick Fine Arts Auditorium in Oakland (map). The event is $10 for adults, free for students and children, and half-price for those who come dressed in hanbok.

Silk Screen ceases operations after allegations of abuse and sexual harassment against staff and volunteers.

Pittsburgh Current has a lengthy article on the Silk Screen Film Festival and its decision to cease operations after allegations of abuse and sexual harassment against its diretor. KDKA News has a video report on it as well. For its part, the organization says its folding is "part of a long-planned board decision due to financial challenges."

1977 Japanese film House (ハウス) at Row House CInema, October 6.

The 1977 Japanese psychedelic thriller House (ハウス) will play at the Row House Cinema on October 6. "The film," says Wikipedia,
is about a schoolgirl traveling with her six classmates to her ailing aunt's country home, where they come face to face with supernatural events as the girls are, one by one, devoured by the home.
House played at Row House in 2017 as part of that year's Japanese Film Festival.

The October 6 screening starts at 11:59 pm; tickets are available online. The single-screen theater is located at 4115 Butler Street in Lawrenceville (map).

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

My Hero Academia: Two Heroes (僕のヒーローアカデミア THE MOVIE ~2人の英雄) continues in Pittsburgh, October 4 and 6.

My Hero Academia: Two Heroes (僕のヒーローアカデミア THE MOVIE ~2人の英雄), which opened in Pittsburgh on September 25, will continue past its original run with additional screenings on October 4 and 6.

China Town Hall events at Pitt, October 9.

There will be two free China Town Hall events at the University of Pittsburgh on October 9 to accompany a live webcast with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. One event will be held at the Pitt Law Building and will feature an in-person presentation by Dr. Cynthia Watson of the National War College.
CHINA Town Hall is a national conversation on China taking place in scores of communities throughout the United States and in Greater China. The two-part event features an interactive webcast discussion and Q&A with Secretary Rice on the complex Sino-American relationship, as well as an expert speaker on-site to discuss specific China-related issues that have an impact on the local community.

Opportunities to submit questions to Secretary Rice in advance will be emailed to attendees shortly before the event. Attendance is free but seating is limited, so registration is necessary.

After the live webcast with Secretary Rice, our local expert, Dr. Cynthia Watson from the National War College, will give a brief presentation on China’s role in regional security. Audience Q&A will follow.
The event starts at 6:00 pm and is free and open to the public, though registration is required.
Another event will be hosted by the Asian Studies Center and will feature economist Martin Chorzempa.
China Town Hall is a national day of programming on China involving 70 cities throughout the United States. This year's event will feature a local guest speaker at 4:30 pm. We have invited Martin Chorzempa who is a research fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics who will talk about China's social credit system followed by a live national webcast with Dr. Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor.
This event starts at 4:30, will be held at 4130 Posvar Hall (map), and is free and open to the public.

Decorative Sushi Workshop, October 13 in Cranberry.

Via Sushi Life.

The Japan-America Society of Pennsylvania will present a Decorative Sushi Workshop on October 13.
Kazari Maki-Zushi is a patterned or decorative sushi that is derived from several sushi techniques. Kazari Maki-Zushi can be anything – flowers, fruit, animals, words and even logos. No prior experience is necessary as it involves a different process than creating regular sushi.

At this event, Fumiyo Iwadachi will demonstrate techniques to make decorative sushi. Participants will make their own peach blossom and square designs.

Registration is $25 for JASP members and $35 for non-members.
It will be held at House of Chen at 101 Brandt Dr. in Cranberry (map). Registration can be completed online.

Shadyside rental company hiring Mandarin-speaking office aide.

A Shadyside rental company is hiring a Mandarin-speaking office aide for an apartment complex.
Chinese (Mandarin native fluency) speaking office help needed in busy apartment rental office.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Korean Language Social Hour, October 4 at Pitt.

The University of Pittsburgh's Asian Studies Center will host a Korean Language Social Hour on Thursday, October 4.
For Korean language learners and English language learners, please come and join our event! Music, Food, and lots of activities!!
The event is free and open to the Pitt community, and will be held in 3911 Posvar Hall (map) from 4:30 to 5:30 pm.

Hug Thai Noodle House coming soon to Oakland.

Hug Thai Noodle House will open a location in Oakland on October 3. It is located at 422 Semple St. (map) in what was formerly AJ's Burger Peruvian. Hug Thai currently has another location in Lawrenceville.

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