In "news" that actually came out in March, Fresh International Market plans to open a store in Point Breeze's Rockwell Park Development. From
the March 13, 2023 press release:
New tenant Fresh International Market will offer authentic Asian flavors to Pittsburgh customers.
A major grocery store chain is set to open its seventh store in Pittsburgh's North Point Breeze neighborhood, within the Rockwell Park innovation center. Known for its unique selection of international ingredients and authentic Asian cuisine, the market's new store will occupy the entire 40,000 RSF Apollo building.
Of the new store, Rockwell Park Principal Al Lardo shares: "We are thrilled to welcome Fresh International Market to Rockwell Park and the North Point Breeze community. This new store will be a fantastic addition to the city's vibrant food scene. The store's unique selection of international ingredients and prepared meals will provide greater convenience and comfort for local residents."
He noted that the arrival of Fresh International Market would also contribute to the continued growth and development of Rockwell Park: “The opening of Fresh International Market at Rockwell Park marks a significant milestone for the Rockwell Park’s growth and development as a hub for innovation, entrepreneurship, and community engagement."
According to Fresh International Market Founder and President Bowen Kou, the store aims to become a part of the local community:
"Fresh International Market is excited to join the vibrant Rockwell Park community and offer our unique range of international brands and Asian cuisine to local residents. We are happy to become a part of this beautiful and dynamic place and look forward to contributing to its growth and development. Our goal is to be more than just a grocery store, but a destination where customers can discover new flavors and expand their culinary horizons."
The store will be located in the Apollo building on 7511 Thomas Blvd, which was built in 1906. The construction work is expected to take up to 15 months.
Another earlier article from the
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette puts the size of the new store at 23,000 square feet, which would be a tad smaller than the 24,000 square foot
new Many More Asian Market location set to open this summer. (The size discrepency between the article and the release may be due to the difference in size between the building, at 23,000 square feet, and the entire property, which measures
just over 39,000.)
The store will open at 7511 Thomas Blvd. (
map), located roughly a block from the East End Food Co-op and Construction Junction. This will be the region's first Fresh International Market, though the chain was
loosely linked to Pittsburgh in 2021 as a finalist for the former Hill District Shop n' Save location. Its proposal was admittedly the weakest of the four for the site, and was reportedly submitted after the deadline, which were among two of the reasons it was not selected to move into Uptown.